The W. H. O. Slogan “Health for all” demands the services of more doctors and Dental Surgeons to achieve the spirit ofthe slogan. Dental disease are highly prevalent in India. Nearly 60% of Indians suffer from tooth decay and over
95% suffer from periodontal diseases, Oral cancers constitute 40% of all known cancers. In our country of
over 125 crores of population hardly 1,50,000/qualified Dental Surgeons are available.
In Bihar, there is only one Govt. Dental College having 40 admissions capacity every year and a few private Dental Colleges. The people of this region suffering can not afford to go out side for their specialized treatment due to their property. The youth of

Region, even though being meritorious and keenly interested in Dental Science, can not afford to seek their admission out side the state due to their financial constraints. There has been a crying need for more Dental College in the State to Salvage this crying need of the society” OM SEVA TRUST” has come forward and has established Sarjug Dental College &Hospital and Mata. R. Devi Dental Hospital with the basic objective to provide specialized medical aid to the ailing people of the state in general and of Mithila region in particular who are suffering from Dental and Oral diseases and also to impart education in Dental Science to the deserving youth so that after being trained in this college, they may be able to discharge their national obligations as worthy sons of India. The college has been named after Late Babu Sarjug Singh, father of Dr. Kamala Prasad Singh, chairman of the trust and is situated at the same place where sarjug babu breathed his last in 1972.
The College is being maintained and managed by the Trust through a board of Directors with Dr. Kamala Prasad Singh at the head as its Director General. The college is approved by the Dental Council of India, permanently affiliated to L. M. Mithila University, Darbhanga and is recognized by the Ministry of Health &Family Welfare, Govt of India, New Delhi