Sarjug Dental College & Hospital

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Neet Qualified desirous candidate are informed to contact for admission in BDS Course 2024-25.for more details contact us.

Scheme of Examination

The Scheme of examination for B. D. S. Course shall be divided into 1st B. D. S. examination at the end of the first academic year. 2nd B. D. S. examination at the end of second years, 3’d B. D. S. examination at the end of third year and final year B. D. S. examination at the end of 4th year. 240 days minimum teaching in each academic year is mandatory. This examination shall be open to a candidate who satisfies the requirements of attendance, progress and other rules laid down by the university.
  1. Bihar state private Dental Colleges Association shall orgnise admission timings and the admission process in such a way that teaching starts from the 1st day ofAugust in each academic year.
1ST  B. D. S. Examination:
  1. General anatomy including embryology and histology.
  2. General human physiology and biochemistry.
  3. Dental Anatomy, Embryology and Oral Histology
Any Candidate who fails in one subject in an examination is permitted to go the next higher class and appear for the subject and complete it successfully before he is permitted to appear for the next higher examination. 2nd B. D. S. Examination: A candidate who has not successfully complete the 1st B. D. S. examination can not appear in the 2nd yearexamination.
  1. General pathology and Microbiology.
  2. General and dental pharmacology and therapeutics
  3. Dental Materials
  4. Pri Clinic Conservative-Only Practical and Viva Voice
  5. Pri Clinic Prosthodontics-Only Practical and Viva Voice
3rd B. D. S. Examination: Acandidate who has successfully completed the 2nd B. D. S. examination can appear in the 3rd B. D. S. Examination.
  1. General Medicine
  2. General Surgery
  3. Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology
4th B. D. S. Examination:
  1. Oral Medicine and radiology
  2. Paediatric&Preventive Dentistry
  3. Orthodontics &dentofacial orthopaedics
  4. Periodontology
  5. Prosthodontics and Crown &Bridge
  6. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  7. Oral and Maxiliofacial Surgery
  8. Public Health Dentistry